Got What Is Dead May Never Die: The Meaning and Significance of the Ironborn Motto

Publish date: 2024-05-04


The Ironborn are a proud and fierce people who inhabit the Iron Islands, a group of rocky islands off the west coast of Westeros. They have a distinct culture and religion that sets them apart from the rest of the Seven Kingdoms. They worship the Drowned God, a deity who lives in the depths of the sea and grants them strength and courage. They also follow a code of conduct known as the Old Way, which values raiding, reaving, and pillaging over farming, trading, and diplomacy.

One of the most iconic and memorable aspects of the Ironborn culture is their motto: “What is dead may never die”. This phrase is uttered by the Ironborn in various occasions, such as when they are baptized in the sea, when they pledge allegiance to their king, or when they face danger or death. But what does this motto mean, and why is it so important for the Ironborn? In this article, we will explore the origin, meaning, and significance of this phrase, and how it reflects the Ironborn identity and worldview.

The Origin of the Motto

The motto “What is dead may never die” is derived from the prayer of the Drowned God, which is recited by the priests during the baptismal ritual. The ritual involves drowning the person in seawater and then reviving them with mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. The person is then considered to be reborn as a true Ironborn, and a follower of the Drowned God. The prayer goes as follows:

Let [name] your servant be born again from the sea, as you were. Bless him with salt, bless him with stone, bless him with steel. What is dead may never die, but rises again harder and stronger

The prayer expresses the belief that the Drowned God himself was once drowned by his enemy, the Storm God, but he rose again from the sea and became the lord of the waters. The prayer also implies that the person who undergoes the ritual has experienced a symbolic death and resurrection, and has become stronger and more faithful as a result. The phrase “What is dead may never die” is a declaration of loyalty and devotion to the Drowned God, and a defiance of the Storm God and his followers.

The Meaning of the Motto

The motto “What is dead may never die” has several meanings and implications for the Ironborn. Here are some of them:

The Significance of the Motto

The motto “What is dead may never die” is not only a statement, but also a question and a challenge. It asks the Ironborn: Are you truly dead or alive? Do you have the courage and the faith to follow the Drowned God and the Old Way? Are you willing to die and rise again for your god, your king, and your people? It challenges the Ironborn to prove themselves as true Ironborn, and to live up to their motto. It challenges them to be fearless, loyal, and ruthless, and to show the world their strength and glory.

The motto “What is dead may never die” is also a promise and a hope. It promises the Ironborn that they are not alone, but that they have the Drowned God on their side. It promises them that they have a destiny and a purpose, and that they are part of a greater plan. It promises them that they will not be forgotten, but that they will be remembered and honored by their god, their king, and their people. It hopes that the Ironborn will one day reclaim their former glory, and that they will rule the seas and the lands as they once did.


The motto “What is dead may never die” is a powerful and profound statement that summarizes the essence and spirit of the Ironborn culture and religion. It reflects their identity and worldview, their values and beliefs, their hopes and dreams. It is a motto that defines them, inspires them, and challenges them. It is a motto that makes them who they are: the Ironborn.
