Sigma Tau Delta English Honor Society - English -School of Arts & Sciences - Department of English -

Publish date: 2024-05-05

Sigma Tau Delta is the national English honor society, open to undergraduate and graduate students of English as well as English faculty. Its goal is to encourage and promote the study of literature through the mutual exchange of ideas in addition to supplementing work received in the classroom.

To be eligible to join, students must have completed three units of English coursework above the 100-level with at least a B average in the major and a 3.3 GPA overall. Graduate students and English faculty members enjoy all the regular privileges of the honor society, except the power to vote in officer elections or to hold office in the honorary.

Undergraduate students who meet the membership qualifications are extended an invitation to join the society. Dues of $37 cover lifetime membership in Sigma Tau Delta.

Members of Sigma Tau Delta can submit both creative writing for publication in the Rectangle and literary analysis for publication in The Sigma Tau Delta Review.

National Membership Benefits:

A benefit particular to this chapter of Sigma Tau Delta is the presentation of Sigma Tau Delta medallions to members who are graduating seniors. The medallions are awarded at an English department ceremony, and then worn on seniors’ robes at graduation

Local Membership Benefits:
