How to Get Vanwyrm Cryst in Palworld? - SarkariResult

Publish date: 2024-05-06

How to Obtain Vanwyrm Cryst in Palworld

News: In the realm of Palworld, mastering the game’s leveling mechanics and devising a robust team strategy are paramount for triumph. Central to this endeavor is the acquisition of Vanwyrm Cryst, a formidable combatant with versatile utility. Discover how to obtain Vanwyrm Cryst and unlock its full potential, along with expert tips for maximizing its effectiveness.

1. Reach Level 35:

Encountering Vanwyrm Cryst requires reaching level 35 or higher. Upon reaching this milestone, you’ll unlock access to the Forgotten Mineshaft, where this elusive Pal resides.

2. Locate the Forgotten Mineshaft:

Upon reaching the requisite level, journey to the Forgotten Mineshaft on Palpagos Island. Here, you’ll have the opportunity to encounter Vanwyrm Cryst.

3. Prepare for Battle:

Renowned for its formidable prowess, Vanwyrm Cryst typically emerges as a formidable adversary within the level range of 37 to 39. It is imperative to thoroughly equip your team for this daunting confrontation.

4. Weaken Vanwyrm Cryst:

Prior to attempting to capture Vanwyrm Cryst, it’s advisable to weaken its health through battle. Pals with Fire or Dragon attributes prove effective in dealing damage, though exercise caution as Dragon types are vulnerable to Ice attacks.

5. Legendary Spheres:

Given its rarity and formidable nature, it’s prudent to stock up on Legendary Spheres before engaging with Vanwyrm Cryst. These items greatly enhance your likelihood of successfully capturing this exceptional Pal.

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6. Avoid Overkill:

It’s crucial to closely monitor Vanwyrm Cryst’s health throughout the battle, ensuring it’s not depleted entirely. If it faints, you forfeit the opportunity to capture it. Adapt your strategy accordingly to prevent accidental overkill.

7. Employ Partner Skills:

Vanwyrm Cryst boasts a valuable Partner Skill known as Aerial Marauder. This skill amplifies damage when targeting enemy weak points while riding on Vanwyrm Cryst’s back. Employ this skill tactically during battles to achieve maximum impact and gain a decisive advantage.

8. Train Vanwyrm Cryst:

After successfully capturing Vanwyrm Cryst, dedicate time to training and enhancing its abilities. This investment will elevate Vanwyrm Cryst into a valuable asset within your Pal team. Remember, Vanwyrm Cryst excels in both combat and utility roles, such as Cooling and Transporting tasks. Tailor its training to optimize its proficiency in these areas for maximum effectiveness.

Vanwyrm Cryst’s Location, Stats, and Breeding Combos:

– Location: Vanwyrm Cryst can only be found in the Forgotten Mineshaft on Palpagos Island. Access to this area is granted once your character reaches level 35 or higher.

– Stats: Vanwyrm Cryst boasts impressive base stats in both Attack and Special Attack, making it a formidable force in battles. Additionally, its Speed stat allows it to outmaneuver slower opponents.

– Breeding Combos: Breeding Vanwyrm Cryst with other Pals can yield offspring with unique abilities and characteristics. To enhance its strengths in battles or utility tasks, consider pairing Vanwyrm Cryst with Pals that possess complementary typing or abilities.

To fully optimize Vanwyrm Cryst’s potential in Palworld, consider the following strategies:

– Training Regimen:

Focus on training Vanwyrm Cryst across various attributes, such as strength, agility, and stamina. This will enhance its overall performance in battles and various tasks.

– Mastering Partner Skill – Aerial Marauder:

Practice utilizing Vanwyrm Cryst’s Partner Skill, Aerial Marauder, in different scenarios. This will allow you to maximize its impact during battles.

– Balancing Combat and Utility Roles:

Strike a balance between Vanwyrm Cryst’s combat prowess and its utility tasks. By doing so, you can fully utilize its potential across different aspects of Palworld gameplay.

– Synergizing with Teammates:

Pair Vanwyrm Cryst with Pals that complement its strengths and cover its weaknesses. This will enhance its performance in battles and make it an invaluable asset to your team.

– Continuous Improvement:

Continuously hone Vanwyrm Cryst’s abilities, acquire new skills, and adjust its combat tactics as you advance through Palworld. By integrating these strategies into your gameplay, you can unleash the full potential of Vanwyrm Cryst and elevate your Palworld adventure to unprecedented levels. Wishing you the best of luck in your Pal-catching endeavors!


1. Is it possible to find Vanwyrm Cryst prior to reaching level 35?

No, Vanwyrm Cryst is exclusively found in the Forgotten Mineshaft once you’ve attained level 35 or higher.

2. Which Pokémon types prove effective against Vanwyrm Cryst?

Vanwyrm Cryst is susceptible to Ice-type moves, making Pokémon with such abilities advantageous in battles against it.

3. What methods can I employ to improve my odds of capturing Vanwyrm Cryst?

Ensuring you have an ample stock of Legendary Spheres markedly enhances your likelihood of capturing Vanwyrm Cryst successfully.
