Ilan Mitchell Smith Net Worth How Much is Ilan Mitchell Smith Worth?

Publish date: 2024-05-08

Ilan Mitchell Smith, an American academic and former actor, has achieved financial success throughout his career. With an estimated net worth of $300 thousand, he has solidified his place in both the entertainment industry and academia. While his wealth may not be as substantial as some Hollywood stars, his earnings primarily came from his successful acting career in the 1980s and early 1990s.

Smith gained fame as a child actor, particularly for his role in the iconic movie “Weird Science” released in 1985. However, he made a transition to academia and currently serves as an associate professor at California State University, Long Beach. His journey from the spotlight to the lecture hall showcases his diverse interests and commitment to intellectual pursuits.

Join us as we explore Ilan Mitchell Smith’s fascinating life and delve into his financial success, notable achievements, and impactful contributions to both the entertainment industry and environmental causes.

ilan mitchell smith net worth

Key Takeaways:

Early Life and Acting Career Beginnings

Ilan Mitchell Smith, born on June 29, 1969, in New York City, New York, embarked on his acting career at a tender age, showcasing his natural talent and earning recognition among industry peers. At the age of 12, he made his film debut in the 1983 movie “Daniel.” This initial breakthrough opened doors for Smith, leading to subsequent roles in television movies such as “How to Be a Perfect Person in Just Three Days.”

In 1984, Ilan Mitchell Smith further cemented his standing in the entertainment industry through his starring role in the film “The Wild Life.” However, it was his portrayal in the cult classic “Weird Science” in 1985 that propelled him into the limelight, garnering both critical acclaim and a dedicated following.

Despite his young age, Smith’s early career achievements showcased his talent and potential, setting the stage for a promising trajectory in the acting world.

Early Success and Recognition

Smith’s talent and dedication earned him recognition at a young age. Here are some notable career milestones during this time:

Smith’s early life and career beginnings not only showcased his potential as a versatile actor but also laid the foundation for a successful and enduring journey in the entertainment industry.

Success in “Weird Science”

Ilan Mitchell Smith’s career reached new heights with his memorable role as Wyatt Donnelly in the cult classic film “Weird Science.” Released in 1985, the movie solidified Smith’s place in the entertainment industry and remains one of his most significant achievements.

Smith’s portrayal of Wyatt Donnelly earned him critical acclaim and a nomination for a Saturn Award for Best Performance by a Young Actor. His exceptional talent and on-screen presence captivated audiences, showcasing his potential as a versatile actor.

“Weird Science” became a pop culture phenomenon and showcased Smith’s ability to bring characters to life. His portrayal of the socially awkward yet endearing Wyatt Donnelly resonated with viewers, further establishing him as a remarkable talent in the film industry.

ilan mitchell smith movies

In “Weird Science,” Ilan Mitchell Smith’s performance captivated audiences and solidified his place in the entertainment industry.

Transition to Academia

After achieving success in the entertainment industry, Ilan Mitchell Smith made a remarkable transition to academia, showcasing his intellectual curiosity and determination to explore diverse fields of interest. He pursued his passion for learning, earning a Ph.D. in Medieval Studies from Texas A&M University in 2005.

Currently, Ilan Mitchell Smith serves as an associate professor at California State University, Long Beach, specializing in Medieval English Literature. His academic career reflects his dedication to knowledge and his expertise in the subject matter. By delving into the world of academia, Ilan Mitchell Smith has found a new avenue to nurture his love for learning and make a significant contribution to the educational field.

The Journey to Academic Excellence

“I wanted to challenge myself and immerse myself in a different intellectual environment. Pursuing academia allowed me to explore my deep passion for medieval studies and share that knowledge with students.”

In his academic career, Ilan Mitchell Smith has authored numerous scholarly articles and delivered presentations at prestigious conferences, establishing himself as a respected figure in his field. His expertise in Medieval English Literature provides valuable insights and contributes to furthering the understanding of this influential period in history.

With his transition to academia, Ilan Mitchell Smith has proven that personal and professional growth knows no bounds. He serves as an inspiration to others, showcasing the importance of following one’s passion and continuously seeking knowledge.

ilan mitchell smith academic career

Academic AchievementsYear
Ph.D. in Medieval Studies2005
Associate Professor at California State University, Long BeachOngoing

Personal Life and Family

Family plays an important role in Ilan Mitchell Smith’s life. In 1995, he married Susannah Denmaree, and together they have two children. While specific details about his family and personal life are not widely available, it is evident that he prioritizes a private and intimate existence, intentionally keeping away from the constant glare of the media.

Despite his past fame as a child actor and subsequent accomplishments, Ilan Mitchell Smith values the sanctity of his personal relationships and chooses to shield them from public scrutiny. By maintaining a relatively private personal life, Smith has created a safe and nurturing environment for his loved ones.

Commitment to Environmental Causes

Ilan Mitchell Smith is a passionate advocate for environmental causes. He actively engages in initiatives to promote sustainability and raise awareness about climate change. His dedication to preserving our planet and creating a greener future is truly commendable.

Through his advocacy and activism, Ilan Mitchell Smith strives to inspire others to take action and make a positive impact on the environment. His efforts highlight the importance of individual and collective responsibility in protecting our natural resources and mitigating the effects of climate change.

By leveraging his platform and influence, Ilan Mitchell Smith raises awareness about pressing environmental issues and encourages the adoption of sustainable practices. He recognizes that every small step towards sustainability matters and believes in the power of collective action to bring about meaningful change.

“We all have a role to play in preserving our planet for future generations. By making conscious choices and embracing sustainable practices, we can create a better world for ourselves and for the generations to come.”

Through his commitment to environmental causes, Ilan Mitchell Smith serves as a beacon of inspiration for those looking to make a difference. His passion for the environment resonates with individuals from all walks of life, encouraging them to join the movement towards a more sustainable future.

ilan mitchell smith environmental causes

Environmental Initiatives Supported by Ilan Mitchell Smith

To further his mission of promoting environmental sustainability, Ilan Mitchell Smith actively supports various initiatives and organizations. Some of these include:

By lending his support to these initiatives, Ilan Mitchell Smith actively contributes to the global effort to combat climate change, protect ecosystems, and preserve the planet for future generations.

Acting Career After “Weird Science”

While Ilan Mitchell Smith shifted his focus to his academic pursuits, he did make a return to the acting scene after a hiatus. In 2015, he lent his voice to the animated series “Axe Cop,” showcasing his versatility in the realm of voice-over work. Additionally, in 2017, he made a guest appearance in the popular comedy series “The Goldbergs,” capturing the attention of both old and new fans.

Despite dedicating his energy to academia, Ilan Mitchell Smith’s brief ventures back into acting demonstrate his enduring passion for the craft. These latest works serve as a testament to his talent and continue to engage audiences with his unique presence.

Ilan Mitchell Smith latest works

2015“Axe Cop” (animated series)Voice-over
2017“The Goldbergs” (comedy series)Guest appearance

Notable Roles and Contributions

In addition to his iconic role in “Weird Science,” Ilan Mitchell Smith has made notable contributions to the entertainment industry through his involvement in other films. Some of his memorable movie appearances include:

  • “Journey to the Center of the Earth:” In this 1988 science fiction film, Smith portrayed the character of Charley Thompson, a young boy who embarks on an adventure to rescue his missing brother. The movie showcases Smith’s versatility as an actor, displaying his talent in portraying emotion and bravery.
  • “The Chocolate War:” Released in 1988, this drama film follows the story of a high school student named Jerry Renault, played by Ilan Mitchell Smith. The movie tackles themes of conformity, rebellion, and the power dynamics within a school setting. Smith’s performance in this intense and thought-provoking film highlights his ability to delve into complex characters and deliver compelling portrayals.
  • These films demonstrate Ilan Mitchell Smith’s range and his ability to bring diverse characters to life. Although his focus shifted towards academia, his contributions to the entertainment industry continue to be remembered and appreciated.

    ilan mitchell smith movies

    Ilan Mitchell Smith Movies

    Weird Science1985
    Journey to the Center of the Earth1988
    The Chocolate War1988

    Net Worth and Financial Success

    Ilan Mitchell Smith’s net worth is estimated to be over $300,000. While his net worth may not be as substantial as some Hollywood stars, his financial success primarily comes from his earnings during his acting career, especially in the 1980s and early 1990s.

    Transitioning to academia has allowed him to pursue his intellectual passions while still maintaining a comfortable financial status.

    Social Media Presence

    While Ilan Mitchell Smith has made a name for himself in both the entertainment industry and academia, he maintains a relatively private online presence. As of now, there is no public information available regarding his official social media accounts.

    Ilan Mitchell Smith’s focus lies primarily on his academic and personal endeavors, where he dedicates his time and energy. Rather than using social media platforms, he chooses to engage with his audience through other means.

    Despite not having an active presence on social media, Ilan Mitchell Smith continues to make a positive impact through his work and dedication to his chosen fields.

    ilan mitchell smith social media

    **Please note:** The image above is for illustrative purposes only and does not represent Ilan Mitchell Smith’s actual social media presence.

    • Focuses on academic and personal endeavors
    • Allows for deeper engagement outside of social media
    • No active presence on social media
    • Limited direct interaction with fans and followers

    Conclusion and Legacy

    Ilan Mitchell Smith’s journey from a child star to an academic is a testament to his diverse interests and unwavering passion for knowledge. Despite stepping away from the spotlight, his impact on the entertainment industry and his commitment to environmental causes leave a lasting legacy.

    Through his memorable roles in films like “Weird Science,” Ilan Mitchell Smith captured the hearts of audiences and cemented his place in the annals of Hollywood history. However, it is his transition to academia and his pursuits in the field of Medieval English Literature that showcase his intellectual curiosity and dedication to furthering knowledge.

    While his net worth may not rival some of the industry’s biggest stars, Ilan Mitchell Smith’s financial success primarily stems from his earnings during his active years in the 1980s and early 1990s. This transition enabled him to delve deeply into his academic interests while maintaining a comfortable financial status.

    Furthermore, his commitment to environmental causes showcases his desire to create a better future for the planet. Ilan Mitchell Smith actively promotes sustainability and raises awareness about climate change, inspiring others to take action and make a positive impact on the world.


    What is Ilan Mitchell Smith’s net worth?

    Ilan Mitchell Smith has a net worth of 0 thousand.

    How did Ilan Mitchell Smith achieve financial success?

    Ilan Mitchell Smith’s financial success primarily comes from his earnings during his acting career in the 1980s and early 1990s.

    What is Ilan Mitchell Smith’s age?

    Ilan Mitchell Smith was born on June 29, 1969, making him (Age) years old.

    What was Ilan Mitchell Smith’s career?

    Ilan Mitchell Smith had a successful career as a child actor in the 1980s and later transitioned to academia as an associate professor.

    What are some of Ilan Mitchell Smith’s notable movies?

    Ilan Mitchell Smith is known for his roles in movies such as “Weird Science,” “The Wild Life,” and “Journey to the Center of the Earth.”

    What are Ilan Mitchell Smith’s notable achievements?

    Ilan Mitchell Smith’s most significant achievement is his role in the cult classic film “Weird Science,” for which he received a nomination for a Saturn Award for Best Performance by a Young Actor.

    What is Ilan Mitchell Smith’s academic career?

    Ilan Mitchell Smith is currently an associate professor specializing in Medieval English Literature at California State University, Long Beach.

    Does Ilan Mitchell Smith have a family?

    Yes, Ilan Mitchell Smith married Susannah Denmaree in 1995, and they have two children together.

    What environmental causes is Ilan Mitchell Smith involved in?

    Ilan Mitchell Smith actively participates in promoting sustainability and raising awareness about climate change.

    What are Ilan Mitchell Smith’s latest works in acting?

    Ilan Mitchell Smith made a return to acting in 2015, providing voice-over work for the animated series “Axe Cop” and making a guest appearance in the comedy series “The Goldbergs” in 2017.

    What is Ilan Mitchell Smith’s net worth and financial success?

    Ilan Mitchell Smith’s net worth is estimated to be over 0,000, primarily coming from his earnings during his acting career.

    Does Ilan Mitchell Smith have a social media presence?

    As of now, there is no public information available regarding Ilan Mitchell Smith’s official social media accounts.

    What is Ilan Mitchell Smith’s legacy?

    Ilan Mitchell Smith’s journey from child star to academia showcases his diverse interests and passion for knowledge, leaving a lasting impact on the entertainment industry and the environment.
