Robert Pattinson, Suki Waterhouses Relationship Timeline: Photos

Publish date: 2024-05-08

Robert Pattinson and Suki Waterhouse have been dating on and off since July 2018, but it’s mostly been under the radar — or, perhaps, more accurately, right under our noses.

The British pair are tight-lipped about their private life together and, according to Pattinson, that’s by choice.

“If you let people in, it devalues what love is,” the Batman actor told The Sunday Times in April 2019. “If a stranger on the street asked you about your relationship, you’d think it extremely rude. If you put up a wall it ends up better.”

However, the two have become more comfortable with sharing insight into their romance. “I’m shocked that I’m so happy with someone for nearly five years,” Waterhouse told The Sunday Times in a February 2023 profile. “I’m always incredibly excited when I see his name pop up [on my phone] or even a text, and I think he feels the same about me. We’ve always got so much to say, and I find him hilarious.”

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Keep scrolling to see Pattinson and Waterhouse’s full relationship timeline:
