Glitching remains Little Nightmares 2 guide

Publish date: 2024-05-09

In this Little Nightmares 2 guide, we’ll help you find all 18 glitching remains — those shadowy figures you spot from time to time. We’ve broken them down by chapter below.

Table of contents

Glitching remains achievements and trophies

Collecting Little Nightmares 2 glitching remains will earn you five achievements or trophies:

Glitching remains 1 | Chapter 1 – Wilderness

Grid View

Not far into chapter 1, you’ll come to an unjumpable gap and a broken bridge. When you drop down to the bottom along the left side, you’ll see the remains of the bridge you’re going to climb back out. Instead, head to the bottom of the screen and continue right.

At the end of the tunnel, you’ll find this glitching remains.

Glitching remains 2 | Chapter 1 – Wilderness

Grid View

A little past there, after your first encounter with the steel traps, you’ll slide down through a hollow log. At the bottom, turn around and duck underneath it to find another tunnel and this glitching remains.

Glitching remains 3 | Chapter 1 – Wilderness

The next glitching remains isn’t until after you’ve exited the house with your new friend. After the attic, you’ll unlock the back door. Just outside, you’ll see an outhouse. Get a boost up to the handle, and open the door to find this glitching remains inside.

Glitching remains 4 | Chapter 1 – Wilderness

The final glitching remains is at the very end of the chapter. After you ending-of-Titanic escape from the woods, you’ll arrive on a beach. Head to the top of the screen.

Glitching remains 5 | Chapter 2 – School

Grid View

Early in chapter 2, after you pass through the diner, you’ll use a TV set to lift yourself up to the second floor. After you use another set to lift your new friend up, she’ll help you across a long gap. At the top of the stairs, take the left. You’ll find this glitching remains at the top of the screen, looking at the hanging TV.

Glitching remains 6 | Chapter 2 – School

Grid View

After your first encounter with the creepy TV and slow-motion hallway, you’ll continue over toward the school. In the playground just before it, head to the top right by the dumpster and the broken tricycle to find this glitching remains. (This is the same place you’ll find the soccer ball hat.)

Glitching remains 7 | Chapter 2 – School

Grid View

After your first encounter with the creepy schoolchildren, you’ll find yourself on your own. The next room has stacked desks and a swinging bucket trap. After that, you’ll be in another hallway.

Pull open the third locker (the only one without its latch closed) to find this glitching remains.

Glitching remains 8 | Chapter 2 – School

The next glitching remains is after the library and just before the chess piece puzzle on the second floor. Head up the stairs. Instead of going right to the chess piece puzzle, head around to the left. At the bottom, you’ll spot this glitching remains sitting in the broken railing below the two bottles.

Glitching remains 9 | Chapter 2 – School

Grid View

Immediately after the chess piece puzzle, you’ll unlock a door into the cafeteria. Down the first set of stairs, you’ll see a cart you’ll use to continue.

Once you move the cart, push open the door on the left instead of climbing out of this hall. This glitching remains is on a chest (freezer?) on the left. Use the lunch lady’s body to climb up (gross).

Glitching remains 10 | Chapter 2 – School

After you escape the teacher through the air ducts, you’ll be back on the rainy streets. Just past the dumpster you have to close and then climb across, you’ll pass a small alley with a paper boat on the ground.

Walk up into that alley to find this glitching remains.

Glitching remains 11 | Chapter 3 – Hospital

Grid View

After you escape the School, you’ll (eventually) head into the hospital. A little way in, you’ll find the flashlight.

One room to the right of where you pick it up, run up toward the back of the room. You’ll find this glitching remains by the wagon there.

Glitching remains 12 | Chapter 3 – Hospital

Grid View

Once you retrieve the key from the X-ray room, you’ll head upstairs and through the locked door. In the next hallway, there will be stacks of beds/cribs/cages along the walls.

Head up to the end of the hall, and this glitching remains will be at the end.

Glitching remains 13 | Chapter 3 – Hospital

Grid View

After you retrieve the first of the two fuses you need to proceed, you’ll start running into the hospital’s mannequins — the patients. You’ll come to a long hallway full of grabbing arms that reach through the doors (you’ll definitely know it when you see it).

In that hall, instead of running down, head up and through the hole in the bars behind the door. Take a left into the room there to find this glitching remains — just don’t fall in the hole.

Glitching remains 14 | Chapter 3 – Hospital

Grid View

Right after escape the hallway full of horrifying arms, you’ll dodge a few more crawling patients and drop into a shower room.

Head to the top left corner and pull the box away from the wall. Head through the air duct there to find this glitching remains.

Glitching remains 15 | Chapter 4 – Pale City

Grid View

As soon as you defeat the doctor and exit the hospital, you’ll drop onto a city street.

Head up along the street to the end, and look for a manhole. Climb the ladder to the bottom to find this glitching remains.

Glitching remains 16 | Chapter 4 – Pale City

Just a little past there, you’ll meet your first few viewers — the faceless, TV-obsessed people-things. After them, you’ll come to the elevator puzzle (where you have to jump on top of the elevator).

Grid View

When you reach the top and see the huge elevator pulley (which is, apparently, called a sheave), head to the lower left. Pull the box away from the wall, and duck into the air duct. You’ll find this glitching remain in the room on the other end.

Glitching remains 17 | Chapter 4 – Pale City

A couple rooftops later — during which, you’ll get a really good look at the signal tower — you’ll come to an elaborate fence leading up to more roofs.

Grid View

Instead of climbing it, head behind, and use the boxes to climb up to the open window. You’ll find this glitching remains inside.

Glitching remains 18 | Chapter 4 – Pale City

A bit later, after you and Six get separated following another harrowing TV encounter, you’ll pick up the remote and cross through the mail room (where you’ll pick up the postman hat).

After the mail room, you’ll ride a long coat hanger zip line. At the other end, turn around, and climb back out the window. Head up along the roof to the next window on the right, and climb inside to find the final glitching remains.

Newsie hat | Chapter 4

Much later, and many more TV sets later, you’ll head through an alley and into a store.

Head to the right side to find a shopping cart. Pull it over to the leftmost shelf (not quite to the wall). Climb up onto the shelves, and continue into the top left corner of the room (by the drawing of a dog on the wall). Pick up the newsie cap (or newsboy cap).
