How Long is Dead Space 1? A Survival Horror Masterpiece

Publish date: 2024-05-09

Dead Space 1 is a third-person survival horror game that was released in 2008 by EA Redwood Shores (later known as Visceral Games). The game follows Isaac Clarke, an engineer who is sent to repair a mining ship called the USG Ishimura, only to find it infested with grotesque creatures called Necromorphs. The game is widely praised for its atmospheric and immersive gameplay, as well as its innovative use of strategic dismemberment and zero gravity combat. But how long is Dead Space 1, and how much time do you need to complete it? In this article, we will answer these questions and give you some tips on how to get the most out of this game.

How Long is Dead Space 1? The Main Story

According to, the average time to finish the main story of Dead Space 1 is about 11 hours. This may vary depending on your difficulty level, play style, and exploration habits. The game has 12 chapters, each with its own objectives, puzzles, and enemies. The game also has a New Game Plus mode, which allows you to replay the game with all your upgraded weapons and items, as well as some new features and challenges.

How Long is Dead Space 1? The Extras

If you want to get the full experience of Dead Space 1, you may want to check out some of the extra content that the game offers. The game has 48 achievements or trophies, depending on your platform, that reward you for completing various tasks and challenges. Some of these achievements or trophies are easy to get, while others require more skill and dedication. The game also has 12 logs, which are audio or text messages that provide more backstory and lore about the game’s world and characters. You can find these logs scattered throughout the game, or access them from the menu. Additionally, the game has 6 suits, which are different outfits that Isaac can wear. Each suit has its own appearance, stats, and bonuses. You can unlock these suits by finding schematics in the game, or by buying them from the store.

According to IGN, the game also has some hidden Easter eggs, which are references or jokes that the developers put in the game. Some of these Easter eggs are subtle, while others are more obvious. For example, if you look at the chapter names in reverse order, you will see a secret message. Or, if you beat the game on the hardest difficulty, you will unlock a special weapon that shoots foam fingers.

How to Play Dead Space 1? Some Tips and Tricks

Dead Space 1 is a game that will test your nerves, skills, and resourcefulness. The game is not easy, and you will face many dangers and challenges along the way. Here are some tips and tricks that may help you survive and enjoy the game:

Dead Space 1 is a game that will give you a memorable and thrilling experience. It is a game that will make you jump, scream, and sweat. It is a game that will make you feel like you are in a horror movie. If you are looking for a game that will challenge you and scare you, Dead Space 1 is the game for you.
