Vienna 2023: Stefanos Tsitsipas vs Borna Gojo preview, head-to-head, prediction, odds and pick

Publish date: 2024-05-09

Match Details

Fixture: (4) Stefanos Tsitsipas vs Borna Gojo

Tournament: Erste Bank Open 2023.

Round: Quarterfinals

Venue: Vienna, Austria.

Category: ATP 500.

Surface: Indoor hardcourt.

Prize money: €2,409,835.

Live telecast: USA - Tennis Channel | Canada - TSN | UK - Amazon Prime

Stefanos Tsitsipas vs Borna Gojo preview

Stefanos Tsitsipas at the 2023 US Open - Day 3

Fourth seed Stefanos Tsitsipas will take on Borna Gojo in the quarterfinals of the Vienna Open on Friday.

Tsitsipas has had a hot and cold season this year, chalking up 44 wins from 64 matches and a title-winning run at the Los Cabos Open. He also secured runner-up finishes at the Barcelona Open and the 2023 Australian Open.

The Greek player entered Vienna on the back of a semifinal finish at the European Open in Antwerp. He began his campaign with a hard-fought win over Dominic Thiem and then showed his class against Tomas Machac in the second-round. Tsitsipas defeated the Czech youngster Machac, in a close three-set contest 6-3, 4-6, 7-5.

Borna Gojo at the 2023 Davis Cup Finals Group Stage Split - Day 6

On the other hand, Borna Gojo has amassed 43 wins from 67 matches with runner-up finishes at the Monterrey Challenger and the Murcia Challenger. He also reached the fourth-round of the 2023 US Open.

The Croatian entered Vienna on the back of a first-round exit at the Stockholm Open. He began his campaign cruising past Aslan Karatsev in the first-round 6-3, 6-3. Gojo will be looking to present a tough challenge for Tsitsipas.

Stefanos Tsitsipas vs Borna Gojo head-to-head

The head-to-head between Gojo and Tsitsipas is poised at 0-0. The duo have never faced each other on the main tour.

Stefanos Tsitsipas vs Borna Gojo odds

Player NameMoneylineHandicap BetsTotal Games
Stefanos Tsitsipas
Borna Gojo

Odds will be updated when available.

Stefanos Tsitsipas vs Borna Gojo prediction

2023 US Open - Day 3 2023 Davis Cup Finals Group Stage Split - Day 4

Fourth seed Stefanos Tsitsipas will take on Borna Gojo in an exciting quarterfinal matchup at the Vienna Open.

Tsitsipas, a name synonymous with flair and finesse on the court, has had a season of ups and downs. The Greek has shown glimpses of his brilliance, notably with a title-winning run at the Los Cabos Open. His versatility and efficient shot-making skills can cause problems for any opponent. The 25-year-old has been playing some positive tennis in the last couple of weeks and will look to start on the front foot against Gojo.

On the other side of the net, Gojo, with 43 wins from 67 matches, is no stranger to intense competition. Even though he entered Vienna on the back of a first-round exit at the Stockholm Open, the Croatian has demonstrated his potential with a fourth-round appearance at the US Open. His precision and court coverage skills can pose a serious challenge to any opponent.

Both Tsitsipas and Gojo will be eager to outmaneuver each other with their unique styles of play. Considering their experience on the main tour and ability to adapt to various playing conditions, the tie will be tilted towards Tsitsipas.

Gojo has the capability to play himself into the match and will present a tricky challenge for the Greek. But the fourth seed should be able to use his experience and tactical acumen to pass this test.

Pick: Tsitsipas to win in straight sets.

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